Tag Archives: 1978

6/30/12: There’s always something…

Okay, believe it or not, I am working on things…sorta.  I mean, everything’s done on my end.  Samples—check.  Line sheets—check.  I’ve even secured funding!  However, surprisingly, sales have proven to be a tough nut to crack!  And I’d thought that this would be the easy part.  Hmph!  Go figure…

I’ve been contacting denim shops via email to no avail.  Yeah, I know.  Go ahead and laugh; I deserve it.  I now realize that I was rather naive (to say the least) to think that I could conduct sales in this manner.  So now I have to figure out how to make buyers aware of my brand.  There’s always something

I’ve worked feverishly over the past few years, testing the market in order to perfect my product.  I’ve even garnered a modest cult following in the process, independent of either the denim forums or the bloggesphere no less!  I share that to say that I’d hate to be derailed at this point, especially on any silly technicalities.

Anyway, I’m going to be meeting with Howard Gee of AB Fits soon in order to pick his brain.  It’s highly likely that I’m gonna have to somehow get myself a qualified sales rep.  In any case, I’m looking forward to hearing what Howard has to share.  I have lots of questions…

By the way, just thought I’d share a few photos from a recent shoot.  I’ll reserve the details for a later time.  The samples shown are made from 14.5oz Japanese selvedge.  I also have some Cone Mills White Oak fabric on its way.  I plan on taking lots & lots of photos this time out!

I’d gotten this old Consumers Distributing catalog (1978-79’ season) some months back.

Man, I used to LOVE looking through these as a kid!  My favorite departments were the jewelry and the toy sections.  I remember badly wanting (but never receiving) one of those gold horn necklaces; I would’ve been the sexiest second-grader ever!  The catalogs seemed to contain endless amounts of stuff.  I’m talking everything from TV’s to transistor radios, patio furniture, clothes, appliances…you name it; they sold it!  As you can see, for the low price of $2.75 you could’ve had yourself a sporty denim bag back in 79’—woo we!  Haha…

Anyway, you can expect a quicker update next time.  I’ll keep you all posted…stay tuned!!

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For those who love jeans

2/19/12: Almost Dead In The Water

Good ART makes people *feel*

Hey, you guys—happy Sunday!!

Okay, wow…where do I begin? Some interesting things have happened since my last post, most notably, oneculture was almost dead in the water. Yep, everything that I’ve worked so hard on over the years was, in an instant, almost no more…finished—kaput! Just typing that makes my hands shake. But let me back up a bit…

I have a helper now, thank goodness–(big sigh of relief) WHEEW!! I can’t do this alone. I’m the visionary of this venture. The very soul of the brand stems directly from my imagination & intuition. From the moment it was conceived I had a crystal clear vision of what the company could become, if managed properly.

There may be a few so called “purist” types out there who don’t respect what I do. But without a soul a brand is nothing more than a collection of generic objects/products. Apple, for instance, would’ve been just another computer company without Steve Jobs. He didn’t write codes or do any of the quote/unquote “real work”. He provided the ideas that set Apple well apart from its competitors—he was the very soul of the company! Without a soul you’re just selling stuff to consumers. And that’s NOT the oneculture way. That’s NOT what I’m about. I didn’t get into this to be safe/average…

Having said that much however, I know that a company—in this case, a denim brand–cannot exist on heart alone. That’s just the beginning. About three and a half months ago I received the following email:

Hey, Mark!

I am the owner of one amazing pair of One Culture jeans! Bought them over a year ago, been wearing them on a very regular basis, and am loving every minute of it. You might not remember me, because I’m using a different email. I used to live in WI and you made me a pair of 1970s Pulsar.

Anyways, I quit my corporate America job and bought a one way ticket to San Francisco about 6 months ago. I love everything about this city and the people. The style here is amazing, and it’s great how style is accepted here as individual and unique rather than conforming.

One of my goals in moving here was to get involved with a company like yours. I am extremely passionate about men’s style, and I think what you do is incredible: truly allow people to express their creativeness and uniqueness, and doing so at an incredible quality and great service. I want to get involved! I do follow your blog and have noticed you haven’t been producing/communicating as much, and I want to see how I can be part of the team and we can jumpstart this again. I want to offer myself as your intern, and I’m happy to do anything that is needed: all I want is to learn from you and be part of what you’re doing.

Enter: Deckel! He’ll be handling the things that I’m not good at, namely, the social stuff like sales, etc. My blog will always be my own voice. But anything else is his lane. The great thing about Deckel is that he’s a genuine fan of my work and is just as passionate about the brand as I am. However, there’s an added bonus in that he’s not as emotionally connected. oneculture is my child, and I’m the father. Deckel then is more like an uncle and, hence, tends to be more level headed about matters that concern my kid! He also looks great in my product—bonus-bonus! Okay now, fast forward…

As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, oneculture came *this close* (finger & thumb pressed together) to becoming extinct. My manufacturer has gotten rid of ALL the smaller brands (like mine!) in order to accommodate the more well-established lines that have recently taken root at the premises. Furthermore, they’ve raised their order minimums considerably. oneculture was the last little brand to be shown the door! But I won’t let anyone kill my kid—NO WAY!!! Not now; things are just getting good…

I’m completely confident that I can meet their new order minimums. Pulsar V4 is a great product! It’s a direct response to any negative critique that any of its predecessors has ever received. Again, with regard to Steve Jobs, it was said that “Steve loved to delight the customer”. I can totally relate. Regardless of large or small orders, money or no money, web popularity, blah, blah, blah… in the end, providing my customers with a great product is all that matters to me. Anyway…

So I scheduled a meeting with my manufacturer and, after Deckel and I presented the case for oneculture, they agreed to treat me as a brand new customer, i.e., give me a chance to show & prove. So here we go…

Now…I still have yet to do my production samples; that’s next on the agenda. Once those are complete Deckel and I are gonna hit the track running for our lives—haha! Seriously, it’s all or nothing now. We must sell, sell, sell the V4. So if you guys are interested in getting oneculture into a denim shop near you, please drop me a line and let me know what the hot shop is in your area. Thanks in advance…

With regard to sampling, I do have V4 samples on hand. I’ve been letting them go at a bit of a discount slowly and quietly, offering them only to private, repeat customers. Currently, there are 5 of us—myself included!!–walking around wearing them. The response has been quite positive, to say the least. This is the result I’ve been working so hard to achieve over the years. I won’t go into detail about the new edition until we’re in production. Right now it’s all about preparing for sales. And I’m aiming to hit store shelves during the fall season. For now, I’ll let the feedback tell the story:

Charlie, Pre Med Student, San Francisco-CA
PULSAR V4, Slim-Taper (sample)
Size 31
14.5oz Japanese Selvedge
001 or “1978” Thread Reference

These jeans are ridiculous. Perfect! Do you still have the size 31 in straight leg? If so, I’ll buy them if they’re on sale. On my way to do some shoe shopping at Unionmade. I’ll put you on shout 🙂

Woody, Princeton-NJ
PULSAR V4, Slim-Taper (sample)
Size 31
14oz Japanese Selvedge
001T or “1978” Thread Reference w/tonal details

Mark! Yes! They’re AWESOME – these things fit SO well. Obsessed with the look.

Ron, Sacramento-CA
Pulsar V4 straight leg (sample)
Size 36
14oz Japanese Selvedge
001T or “1978” Thread Reference w/tonal details

I got them today and they are very nice. I knew they would be. I just put them on a few minutes ago. The fit is really good and somehow they do seem to hug the butt better – its quite interesting really, I cannot remember putting on a new, raw pair of jeans that fit my body this well. Usually they need a few minutes to a few hours (sometimes a few days) to loosen up a little and stretch out a bit before they start to fit this well. And the slight taper does look nicer. I really like these a lot! Thanks again Mark!

That’s about all I’ve got for now.  These next few months should be really interesting, to say the least!  In any case, as always, I’ll keep you all posted.  Stay tuned!!!

Join me on facebook

For those who love jeans

2/6/11: More Than Ready!!!

Howdy, All!

It’s a beautiful Sunday here in the Bay Area; sunny and mild thus far, although it’s supposed to warm up as the day progresses.  I’ve just had my coffee and now I feel like talking:-)  First things first…

I’ve decided to scale back on the web shop productions for the time being.  As stated previously, I’m in the process of updating my line and I have to allow time in order to get my own samples completed.  I’m doing another web shop production toward the end of the month but these orders will be the last group produced for the time being.  However, I’ll leave room for one additional pair to be made along with my own samples each time I go in to produce.  So I’ll continue to take orders on that basis; one at a time.  Just email me…

One thing’s for certain, however: the web shop productions will shut down in the coming months.  Again, the web shop idea was merely a way for me to prove my brand’s worth.  And, having just completed my taxes, I noticed that my business doubled in 2010!  For some reason though, I still have NO money–go figure!  Anyway, with regard to proving myself, my makeshift web shop seems to have been well worth the effort/headache.

The mini-productions were also a way for me to provide consumers with options on an on-going basis, i.e., various fabrics and thread color references. And as a result, I better understand the possibilities. But my sole goal for the year is to get my line into more shops.  I’m more than ready!!! I’ve spent the past two years testing the market, editing and getting prepared for this point. The 4th edition of Pulsar should be near perfect…

The pattern (1st draft) is done and ready for sampling.   I’m currently considering fabric and thread color options for my next large scale production.   I’ll first select the fabric and then choose whichever thread color reference best compliments the patina of the denim.  This, to me, is the fun part!  I used to be an Intern Project Engineer for Swinerton, Inc. some 11 years ago…

I worked on the Gap Embarcadero Project.  Yes, believe it or not, I helped to build that place (sort of)—ha ha!  There was NO building there when I came on board (1999).  The bulldozers were still excavating so the site was just one huge, muddy hole.

Anyway, I recall when it came time to review the material samples; fabric swatches, light fixtures, wood samples, etc, etc.  I still have one of the sample marble candle holders—it’s on my book shelf.  I particularly recall how excited I felt when the materials would arrive each day.  I too recall how powerless and discouraged I felt that I had NO input what so ever…NONE!  The architectural aspect of the project was what interested me the most.  Conversely, the engineering work was dull and didn’t provide any creative outlet.  And that’s precisely why I’d dropped out/flunked out of UC Berkeley’s school of engineering—UGH!  But that’s a dark, painful story.   Lesson learned: never, EVER chase a paycheck! Follow only your heart’s desire…

Anyway, selecting denims, pocketing, threads, etc. is no different from any other material samples review process.  But with oneculture, I get sole input!  So in that regard, the process is both exciting and satisfying!

With that said, here are a couple of the pairs from the last web shop production group.   I find Ed’s pair to be of great interest because, for whatever reason, the “1970” thread color reference is rarely ordered.  However, depending on the denim fabric, I think that it’s a great option for those who prefer a more toned down look.  Of course, along that same line, one can always order the “East Bay MUD” thread reference. But in addition to being toned down, the “1970” color pallet is also rather unique looking.   I think it works really well with the 13oz. Cone Mills denim. Great choice, Ed!!

By the way….doing the web shop has also made me aware of what sells the most; sizes, styles and thread color references.   I’ve sold sizes 26, 28, 30, 32 and 36. I’ve even sold a couple of 38’s.   But I find it odd that I’ve never sold a size, say…34, for instance.  I don’t even recall having sold sizes 29 or 31.  Go figure!   By the way, “1978” is by far my best selling thread color reference. Interesting…

Anyway, as always, I’ll keep you all posted with note-worthy items.   Stay tuned!!

Join me on facebook

For those who love jeans
mark@houseofoneculture.com (To order, contact me directly)


1827 Union St
San Francisco, CA
(415) 346-4280

1409 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 656-7898

2210 N. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 248-5326

11/07/10: It’s Time!

Passion–real passion–is born from the desire to make a difference

Hey, you guys!  It’s been quite a while, but I’m finally ready to begin taking orders for batch #3.  I had planned to get together with Rich (aka “The Silver Surfer“) today in order to take more fit pics for this post.  But as luck would have it, in spite of a week of beautiful weather, it rained today! But don’t fret as more fit pics will be taken shortly…

Anyway, for those interested in grabbing a pair of Pulsars, just drop me an email.  As usual, in order to effectively assist you, I’ll need 4 bits of information from you.

#1) Fabric preference. Your  denim options are as follows:


This 13oz. Cone Mills, blue-line selvage denim is sanforized.   Even after a 1-hour hot soak the measurements remained unchanged, with the exception of the inseam, which shrank 1/4″.  The denim is dark with a greenish undertone.  Pulsars made from this denim will cost $175 (free international shipping).


This 14oz., 100% cotton, rope dyed Japanese denim is nice & stiff!  It’s also sanforized; even after a 1-hour hot soak the measurements remained unchanged, with the exception of the inseam, which shrank 1/2″.  The color is nice & dark–just ripe for fading!  The first photo in this set (just above the photo of the seams) is a fairly spot-on color reference.  Pulsars made from this denim will cost $185 (free international shipping).

The $10 price differential is attributed to the HEFTY freight charges associated with having denim shipped over from Japan.  By the way, this is not the same 14oz denim from batch #2.  Anyway, in addition, I’ll also need to know…

2) Your true waistline measurement. If you normally wear dry denim, feel free to also let me know which brand (including the style name or cut) and size you wear.  Some purveyors of raw denim usually include measurement spec charts on their websites.  I can then investigate in order find the size Pulsar that would work best for you.  But still…knowing your true waistline measurement is crucial when ordering raw denim online.

3) Your style preference: straight leg or slim tapered.

4) Your preferred Thread Color Reference: “1978”, “1970”, or “East Bay MUD”.

A) 003 or 003T (“East Bay MUD”)

B) 002 or 002T (“1970”)

C) 001 or 001T (“1978”)

So to recap…

If you’re interested in placing an order, simply send me an email: mark@houseofoneculture.com.  Let me know 1) which denim you prefer, 2) your waistline measurement, 3) your preferred style (straight or tapered) & 4) thread color option, and we can take it from there.  Aside from that, I’ll keep you all posted.  Stay tuned!!

Join me on facebook

For those who love jeans
mark@houseofoneculture.com (for all inquiries, contact me directly)

Available @

1827 Union St
San Francisco, CA
(415) 346-4280

1409 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 656-7898

2210 N. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 248-5326

08/06/10: Web Shop Orders->Batch 2

Hey, you guys!

The first Web Shop batch has officially shipped and now it’s time for another go-round!  So, if you’re interested in grabbing a pair of Pulsars, just drop me an email.  The jeans are priced at an even $175 and I offer free USPS Priority shipping as well.  In order to effectively assist you, I’ll need 4 bits of information from you.

#1) Fabric preference. Your  denim options are as follows:

14oz, sanforized, Japanese red line Selvage Denim

14oz, sanforized, Japanese red line Selvage Denim

14oz, sanforized, Japanese red line selvage; enough for approximately five pairs.  I already have four orders for this one.  So there’s only enough for one more pair.

12.5oz Cone Mills red line selvage denim

12.5oz Cone Mills red line selvage denim

12.5 oz. Cone Mills red line selvage; enough for approximately 16 pairs.

Sanforized, 13oz, floral printed Japanese red line selvage denim

Sanforized, 13oz, floral printed Japanese red line selvage denim

13oz, sanforized, floral print Japanese red line selvage; enough for approximately 6 pairs, *maybe* 7.

Pulsar measurement specs

Pulsar, Slim-Tapered Measurement Specs

#2) Your true waistline measurement. In general, tagged sizes do not represent true waistline measurements.  And sizing specs vary from brand to brand.  As a general rule, oneculture runs 2X larger than your true waistline measurement (see the measurement spec charts above).  So for a spot-on fit, I suggest sizing down by 2.  For a more snug fit, size down by 3.

So, for instance, if your waistline measures, say…30 inches, then you’d need a tagged size “28” for spot-on fit, or a tagged size “27” for a more snug fit.  By the way, I do make these sizes even though they’re not on the charts above.  In any case, your true waistline measurement can be obtained by wrapping a tape measure around your waist.  Be sure to use a sewing tape measure, not a carpenter’s tape measure.

#3) Your preferred style–straight leg or tapered.


PULSAR, Slim-Tapered

#4) You r preferred thread color scheme, with or without details (option T).

1978” (001, 001T):

1978 Color Key

1970” (002, 002T):

1970 Color Key

Pulsar in 1970 thread reference

East Bay MUD” (003, 003T):

East Bay MUD Color Key

Some of the photos are really rotten.  But they serve merely to help give you a sense of what your options are.  So to recap…

If you’re interested in placing an order, simply send me an email: mark@houseofoneculture.com.  Let me know which denim you prefer, your waistline measurement, your preferred style (straight or tapered) and thread color option, and we can take it from there.  Aside from that, I’ll keep you all posted.  Stay tuned!!

Join me on facebook

For those who love jeans
mark@houseofoneculture.com (for all inquiries, contact me directly)

Available @

1827 Union St
San Francisco, CA
(415) 346-4280

1409 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 656-7898

2210 N. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 248-5326

06/25/2010: WebShop

So I’ve officially decided to set up a WebShop. Until I’m able to build a website however, here’s how things will operate…

I’ll take pre-orders for small productions (10 – 20 pairs) over a specified time period. Those interested will send me an email (mark@houseofoneculture.com) stating which size, style (straight leg or tapered) and thread reference you prefer. Each production will made from small rolls of high quality narrow denim goods. Ultimately, what this will provide for the consumer is 1) variety and, 2) savings.

As stated, for the most part, each production will be made up from a different roll of high quality narrow denim goods. Also, those interested will get to select a thread scheme from among my signature thread color references, “1978” (orange, brown and turquoise–001), “1970” (beige, olive and brown–002) and “East Bay MUD” (brown–003)—each featuring the “T” option (tone-on-tone “Arrow” and back pocket openings) as well; 001T, 002T and 003T, respectfully.

I price the jeans at below retail: $175.00 flat rate, no taxes. Plus, I ship worldwide (USPS Priority) for free. This is quite ideal for those who reside out of the state/country.

Having said all of that, I’ll take 4 -5 more pre-orders from now through next week. For those interested, first check the measurement specs (below). If your size isn’t on the chart, it (your size) can be easily marked & graded so don’t worry! Simply send me an email (mark@houseofoneculture.com) stating which size, style (straight leg or tapered) and thread reference you prefer.

Batch #1
This first official WebShop batch will be made from sanforized, 14oz Japanese redline selvage. I can produce approximately 11 pairs from this small roll. I can only take 4 to 5 more orders, as I already have 4 pre-orders recorded (people who didn’t make it into the most recent production).

Currently Up For Grabs (2 pairs)
I have two pairs on hand from this most recently completed production.

1) Pulsar Slim-Tapered, tagged size “33”, made from stiff 13.75oz indigo selvage.

2) Pulsar (regular straight leg) in a tagged size 29, made from 13oz yellow-line selvage.

As stated above, the cost is $175 (free worldwide shipping). Interested parties can send me an email: mark@houseofoneculture.com

And by the way, I’ll be having my own pairs made from the Batch #1 denim as well (I need a tagged size 38). I haven’t owned a pair since season one, fall 08’ (I never had my own size marked & graded), so to say that I’m extremely excited would be an immense understatement!!  I look forward to giving the new Pulsars a good thrashing!! I still haven’t decided upon a thread color reference yet though. In any case, I’ll be posting fade updates here…

I’ll keep you all posted.  Stay tuned…

Join me on facebook

For those who love jeans
mark@houseofoneculture.com  (for all inquiries, contact me directly)

Available @

1827 Union St
San Francisco, CA
(415) 346-4280

1409 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 656-7898

2210 N. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 248-5326

11/22/09: Thread Color Reference

oneculture’s signature thread color references, “1970” (beige, olive and brown) and “1978” (orange, brown and turquoise), are comprised of colors that were prevalent during that period.

Brand Profile

Join me on facebook

For those who love jeans

Available @ The BLUES Jean Bar (they ship WORLD WIDE!):

NOTE: the jeans run 2X larger than your natural waist size. This was done more so for shrinkage purposes, as you will lose a size after the first washing. Keep this in mind if you opt to place an order by phone. And enjoy!

1827 Union St
San Francisco, CA
(415) 346-4280

‎377 Santana Row
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 899-4012

1409 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 656-7898

2210 N. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 248-5326

10/19/09: The “F Word”

Free is perhaps my favorite “F word”, and you just can’t beat free drinks and jeans (prototype samples only).

prototype sample only

prototype sample only

prototype sample only

prototype sample only

prototype sample only

prototype sample only

prototype sample only

prototype sample only

Join me on facebook

For those who love jeans

Available @ The BLUES Jean Bar (they ship WORLD WIDE!):

NOTE: the jeans run 2X larger than your natural waist size. This was done more so for shrinkage purposes, as you will lose a size after the first washing. Keep this in mind if you opt to place an order by phone. And enjoy!

1827 Union St
San Francisco, CA
(415) 346-4280

‎377 Santana Row
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 899-4012

1409 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 656-7898

2210 N. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 248-5326

6/30/09: The Ideology

The Ideology
It takes a common interest in order to unify. And the love for jeans is shared by people from every imaginable background. As such, “oneculture” is an amalgamation of all cultures in that it references the denim lovers of the world as a collective.

In The Beginning…

Given the multitude of quality dry denim brands, why should people consider oneculture?

Throughout the years this question has remained a permanent fixture within my thought process. In fact, I consider it to be THE proverbial starting point. From it, I came to realize that I am absolutely intrigued and inspired by two things:
1) Great story tellers, and
2) The skill & creativity it takes to do a lot with a little.

As such, I consider myself to be on a constant quest to master the art of communicating. The world of dry denim is saturated with denim brands that tell the same story. From the outset however, my intent has always been to stand apart from my competitors, and I very much look forward to defying convention by providing an alternative to structure. oneculture is dry denim with it’s own purpose and character.

“Hello Again, 1970”: behind the classic album
I allow myself to drift into the proper zone in order to brainstorm; it’s a requirement actually. I sit & sip strong coffee and listen to old 60’s/70’s music–the good stuff! The caffeine and the music together work like a medicinal cocktail, lifting my spirits while allowing my mind to finger and fondle many possibilities. It was during one of these “trips” when I realized the similarities between my own creative process and that of many great 60’s/70’s recording artists (although they used much stronger drugs!). That’s how I came to consider referring to oneculture’s summer season as a record album, who’s “classic” aspect is reflected in the upgrades. Additionally, this season’s thread color reference (1970) as well as the style name of the boot cut (Hello Again) lent themselves perfectly to an album title. Hence, summer 09’ became my classic album: “Hello Again, 1970”.

Introspection has helped to shape my design approach thus far. I was born in September of 1970 and have subsequently become completely obsessed with 70’s pop culture. Thus, as a design project, oneculture presents the perfect opportunity in which to incorporate details that reflect my profound nostalgia. For instance, and for those who don’t already know, the style name “PULSAR” is inspired by an action figure that I’d gotten for Christmas in 1978.

Additionally, the thread color references, “1970” (beige, olive and brown) and “1978” (orange, brown and turquoise), are comprised of colors that were prevalent during those years. I’d specifically pulled the 1970 color pallet from an old Polaroid photo. In short, oneculture is void of random details; every line is well thought out and thoroughly rehearsed prior to “show time”. Believe it!

guerilla café
Three years ago…three of the Bay Area’s most powerful artists joined forces in order to let their “Wonder Twin powers activate”. This meeting of minds resulted in guerilla: without question, the most interesting café I’ve ever visited. Part art gallery – part 70’s retro café/diner, it exudes a strong sense of identity and style that even spills out onto the sidewalk where a “guerilla crossing” sign is posted. Additionally, the phone booth outside is reminiscent of a 1970’s urban guerilla headquarters. The patrons and the staff alike are very much reflective of the Bay Area’s cultural diversity—an eclectic mix of educated, socially conscious forward thinkers. And there’s always good music playing!

guerilla café is an excellent addition to Berkeley’s local flavor. It stands as an avatar of cafe culture in that everything about it, from the warm & earthy environment, to the coffee & delicious menu options on down to the very interesting and unusual art pieces seems tailor made to stimulate thought and conversation…just like caffeine!

However, I was so intent on getting in, shooting my model and getting out of their way that I failed to capture guerilla’s true charm in my photos. You’ll simply have to take my word for it. And by the way…

Thanks, Andrea!

Among other things, home town pride is a HUGE motivating factor for me! The San Francisco Bay Area is ripe with creative souls that foster an environment conducive to entrepreneurship. Ultimately, I’d like to build upon the legacies left by two of the most influential and successful businessmen in Bay Area history: Levi Strauss (Levi’s) and Donald Fisher (GAP). This goal however, if at all attainable, is still many, many years away…

Right now my focus lies squarely on developing products punctuated with unique character, and which incorporate fabrics and craftsmanship of unquestionable quality. Getting this aspect *just right* is what’s ultimately going to help bring the entire scope of my vision to fruition.

But life is full of curves, dead-ends and disappointments. Whether I’ll actually “make it” or not is unknown. But to me, the “unknown factor” has been the most compelling part of my journey thus far. I’m a fashion outsider: just a creative guy with lots of ideas and a crystal clear vision. But from where I sit, I have nothing to lose by giving it my best effort.

I’ll keep you all posted. Stay tuned.

For those who love jeans

Available @ The BLUES Jean Bar:

1827 Union St
San Francisco, CA
(415) 346-4280

377 Santana Row
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 899-4012

1409 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 656-7898

2210 N. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 248-5326

11/19/08: Spring 09′ Update, Part 2

SEASON 2 (barefoot)

oneculture: SEASON 2 (barefoot)

Last night’s fitting session marked the climax of spring 09 sampling: we finally achieved desired results. One more minor adjustment to make and the patterns will finally be ready for marking and grading. For whatever reason, the sampling process was extremely draining this time around. I’m happy and relieved to be done with it…

In Pursuit of Perfection
I thought I’d share a photo from last night’s session. These are the prototypes: Pulsar, Pulsar-Slim Taper, Hello Again and Hello Again-Slim Straight. They give you a strong sense of what the finished product will look like. However, the final production pieces won’t be exactly the same; they’ll be even better. Improvement is the constant goal and as president (of oneculture) I can assure you this: you will be better off next season than you were this season…pinky swear!

Pleasant Surprise
The production of my last sample yielded a pleasant surprise. What we were shooting for was a good fit. We ended up hitting our mark and with a new thread color reference as well. I’d selected an old school brownish color, something reminiscent of an old pair of Levi’s…nice and neutral. I liked the results so much that I’ve decided to offer it in the spring. I call it “Classic“. In addition to the different cuts, the color references (“1978“, “1970” and “Classic“) add another dimension of choice.

Observation: The Importance of Shoes
Viewing the photos from last night made me realize just how important shoes are. Shoes help to define the leg in that they create an interesting interplay between the knee and the hem that punctuates the calf and promotes “stacking”. You loose this effect however, when you’re barefoot. For instance, notice how the Pulsar models (barefoot and on the left) look less dramatic than those of Hello Again. I regret not having my fit model re-take the photos wearing his shoes. But then again, I hadn’t thought that I’d be sharing these photos either. Anyway…

Mark Presents

By the way, I’ve added fitting session videos of Hello Again and it’s slim, straight leg counterpart: http://www.youtube.com/user/MarkPresents

So from here, I’m going to finish my line sheets and make one last round of sales. This will give me a sense of how many pairs I will need to produce. I’ll then send the patterns off for marking and grading. I’ll also begin ordering all my inputs: thread, denim, pocketing, etc. The patterns will also need to be checked once they return from marking/grading. If there are discrepancies, they will return for corrections (just thinking about this is giving me a headache). But if not, then we’re good to go into production. I’m set to deliver anywhere from mid to late February. Will I make it? That’s the proverbial “question“!

Like always, I’ll keep you all posted. Stay tuned!

For those who love jeans